This laboratory is under the supervision and maintenance of Civil Engineering Department, and it is the place where the civil engineering students are able to put into practice what they have learnt in class so as to see how actually works in reality. Many kinds of experiments related to construction are conducted in the laboratory.
Laboratory is under the supervision and maintenance of Electronic and Electrical Department, and it is a place where the electronic and electrical engineering students are able to put into practice what they have learnt in class so as to see how actually things work in reality. Many kinds of experiments related to construction are conducted in the laboratory.
NTTI’s library possesses many kinds of textbooks, reading materials, journals, research papers, thesis publications, and many other kinds of materials. It is a convenient place where students and teachers can do the self-learning, research, readings and surfing the Net because Internet service is provided for free of charge.
NTTI Job Center has been founded to provide information related to the job vacancy and announcement in Cambodia. NTTI Job Center accepts the job application forms from all the students who have already graduated and are pursuing their degrees at the National Technical Training Institute. NTTI Job Center will inform the job seekers whenever there is a job announcement matching his or his qualification.
NTTI Job Center has been founded to provide information related to the job vacancy and announcement in Cambodia. NTTI Job Center accepts the job application forms from all the students who have already graduated and are pursuing their degrees at the National Technical Training Institute. NTTI Job Center will inform the job seekers whenever there is a job announcement matching his or his qualification.
សេវាកម្មបោះពុម្ព និងថតចម្លង របស់វិទ្យាស្ថានជាតិបណ្តុះបណ្តាលបច្ចេកទេស មានបម្រើសេវាកម្មបោះពុម្ព និងថតចម្លង ឯកសារផ្សេងៗ រួមមាន សម្ភារៈបណ្តុះបណ្តាល ខិតប័ណ្ណ និងឯកសារផ្សេងៗ ។ សេវាកម្មនេះ មានបម្រើការជូនដល់គរុនិស្សិត និងនិស្សិត ទាំងក្នុង និងក្រៅវិទ្យាស្ថាន ផងដែរ។
The institute’s photocopy and printing service copies and prints the materials for the institute, include courses materials, pamphlets, and handouts. It also provides photocopying service for students and pedagogic students.
Sport event is annually organized by the Academic Affairs Office in cooperation with the Administration and Finance Office. The representatives from each class work together to form a football team and the team competes with each other to become a champion of the institute. This event offers the opportunity for the students of all years not only to build up their physical health and strength but also to promote solidarity among all students within the institute.