NTTI History

The National Technical Training Institute (NTTI) is one of Cambodia’s many higher education institutions providing Technical Vocational Education and Training under the umbrella of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. In the academic year 2009-2010, NTTI hosts around 300 teacher trainees who are attending the technical teacher training course and more than 1000 students who are pursuing their degrees in the fields of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Architecture and Information Technology. Moreover, it also provides short course program in Auto CAD, Surveying, Basic Computer and many others.


NTTI has 112 full-time staff(35 Female) with a variety of tertiary qualifications, including PhDs, Master, Bachelor and Associate Degrees and is supported by administrative, maintenance and on-contract staff. Besides these, some of them have been sent to the United State of America, Australia, Russia, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, the Philippines, and Myanmar to pursue their degrees and attend short course programs. In addition, the institute maintains vast linkage networks with Cambodian and international construction companies, electrical companies, private and public educational institutions, foreign universities and government ministries. NTTI, with land area of 10 hectares, is located along the Russian Federation Boulevard, Sangkat Toeuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh and is roughly 6 kilometers from the city center Wat Phnom.

Goals and Purpose

To achieve its set objectives, Training Quality Control Board has fulfilled its following duties:

♦   to upgrade the capacity of teaching and non-teaching staff.

♦   to upgrade and improve the course curriculum both for Technical Vocational Teacher Training program and fee-paying students.

♦   to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of the programs

♦   to upgrade the teaching capacity of teacher trainees who have graduated from the institute

♦   to help the graduates in getting a job.


To achieve its set objectives, Training Quality Control Board has fulfilled its following duties:

♦   sending staff to attend training courses in foreign countries such as Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand in order that they can perform their in a professional and responsible manner

♦   providing training courses to upgrade the teaching capacity of our teaching staff

♦   forming the a group of senior teachers to supervise and give feedback on the staff’s teaching capacity

♦   forming a research team to collect information related to the needs of the labor market

♦   conducting the follow-up surveys to collect data on the problems and effectiveness of the training programs offered

♦   developing curriculum which can effectively respond to the fasting changing needs of the labor market

♦   conducting workshops, whose aims are to assist the graduates in getting a job, for example, workshops on “Job Hunting Skills, How to Write a Resume and Cover Letter”


Create the opportunities for students by providing high quality and competency (Theories, Practice and Ethics) of Technical Vocational Education and Training

Provide a unique of technical and vocational training to prepare them within technical skills to entrance the current and future needs of labor market.

The National Technical Training Institute is committed to its further development as a leading higher educational institution in Cambodia in providing Technical and Vocational Education and Training. It is committed to providing quality training courses in consistence with flexible and responsive National System of Technical and Vocational Education and Training to meet the needs of the labor market, developing a set of competency-based curricula for the technical and vocational centers of the country, training and upgrading capacity of the instructors and trainers, designing and producing a supply of appropriate teaching/ learning resources and becoming a center of excellence in instructor training in the region.
In particular, NTTI prepares students to become effective and active members of Cambodian society, with professional capacity to apply, develop and enrich the teaching process, science and technology.


The objectives of The National Technical Training Institute are:

To provide professional education in preparing young and women to serve the country with self-confidence and pride.

To educate men and women in the field of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Architecture, and Information Technology.

To provide the opportunities to conduct research which is of the benefit to the country and individual.

To develop courses that give graduates the appropriate and relevant knowledge and skills they need so as to meet the need of private, public and government sector through out the country.

To provide qualified technical and vocational instructors for the Ministry, Educational Institute, and Training Centers.

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វគ្គសិក្សាថ្មីសូមស្វាគមន៍ សិស្ស និស្សិត និងសិក្ខាកាមមកចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀនជំនាញបច្ចេកទេសនៅ វិទ្យាស្ថានជាតិបណ្តុះបណ្តាល បច្ចេកទេស (NTTI) សិក្សាដោយឥតបង់ថ្លៃ សម្រាប់ថ្នាក់ C1-(1.5M) ហើយថែមទាំងទទួលបានប្រាក់ឧបត្ថម ២៨ម៉ឺនរៀលក្នុង១ខែសម្រាប់អ្នកមានបណ្ណ វិទ្យាស្ថានទទួលចុះឈ្មោះចាប់ពីពេលនេះតទៅ វគ្គថ្មីC1នឹងចូលរៀននៅថ្ងៃទី២មករា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥ខាងមុខនេះ។ អសយដ្ឋាន ស្ថិតនៅខាងក្រោយវត្តទឹកថ្លា សង្កាត់ទឹកថ្លាខណ្ឌសែនសុខ ទំនាក់ទំនងលេខទូរសព្ទ ០១២ ៩៥០ ៧៧១ / ០១៥ ៧៥៥ ០០១ / ០១៦ ៧៨៦ ៥២៨ / ០៩៣ ៦៨០ ៦៧០ / ០១១ ៦៦៦ ២២៦